Is Neora a Pyramid Scheme? Honest MLM Review

Neora Review

Neora is an MLM company dealing in supplements that mainly focus on weight loss and skincare. The company claims to work with the sole purpose “Make people better.”

In this post, we will examine Neora, its MLM compensation plan, products and answer a crucial question; whether Neora is a scam?

At the end of the post, we will also share our personal reviews regarding Neora to let you decide whether to join it or not. 

FounderJef Olson
When Started2011
Head Office Dallas, Texas
Opportunity TypeMLM
ProductsWeight loss supplements, Skincare
Joining Cost$20

What is Neora? 

Neora was started in the year 2011 with the aim to become a global leader in the skincare, healthcare, and wellness industry. 

Jef Olson is the Founder and CEO of Neora. 

Neora Jeff Olson

The company mainly focuses on three steps routines such as Slim + Skin, Block + Balance and Cleanse + Calm. 

Most Neora products focus on weight loss with fat browning technology. According to this, the white fat cells are converted to brown fat cells that can be burned in less time. 

Being a part of Neora, one can earn in either of the two ways: purchase products at discounted prices to sell at retail prices or build a downline and earn commissions as people in the downline purchase products. 

Neora also maintains Neora Ripple Foundation which is a charitable organization that aims to make people better globally.  

According to Similarweb statistics, the majority of the traffic to is from the United States (58.29), Mexico (19.54), Canada (11.68), Colombia (6.08) and Australia (3.15).

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Joining Neora 

All it takes is a few easy steps to join Neora. 

Neora calls its member a Business Partner (BP). To become a BP, one needs to register online by paying the joining fee of $20 and entering all the required details. 

BP receives a 50% discount on the purchase of every product. 

After joining, there are different product packs, Essential packs ($199), Holistic Value Pack ($500) and Premier Holistic Value Pack ($1000) which are required to purchase.

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Neora Products 

Neora Products are mainly divided into three parts: Skincare, Haircare and Weight Management. 

The products are available to distributors at discounted prices and can be sold further at retail prices to earn commissions. 

neora fit products

Also, the products are assigned CV (Commissionable Volume) and QV (Qualifying Volume) values that are used to calculate the Brand Partners’ commissions.

Every minute detail regarding products is available on the official site along with ingredients used and the steps to use products. 

For repeated orders, Neora provides benefits of Neora Smartshop Subscription bringing many benefits such as a 25% discount on products over $130, 10% NeoraCash for the next order, free delivery over $150 and many more. 

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Neora Affiliate Ranks 

Ranks are given as follows:

  • PQV (Personal Qualifying Volume) is QV from personal purchases and ADV (Auto-Delivery Volume) is QV from personal autoship purchases. Slash (/) denotes “or” condition.
  • LQV (Leadership Qualifying Volume) is the PQV of BP in the downline and MVR (Maximum Volume Rule) denotes maximum volume from one leg to consider.
  • GQV (Group Qualifying Volume) is PQV from all the BP present in Placement Tree.
RankPQV/ADVLQV (MVR)GQVActive Leg Requirement
Active Brand Partner120/80
Brand Partner  Plus120/801
Senior Brand Partner120/80150 (50%)2
Elite Brand Partner180/80250 (50%)12003
Premier Brand Partner240/80500 (50%)20003
Director320/80750 (50%)35003
Team Director400/802000 (50%)60003
Elite Director400/1507000 (40%)110003
Premier Director 400/15012000 (40%)20,0003
Area Marketing Director400/15020,000 (30%)40,0004
Regional Marketing Director400/15035,000 (30%)70,0004
National Marketing Director400/15060,000 (30%)1,25,0004
Senior National Marketing Director400/1501,20,000 (30%)2,55,0002 AMD + Legs and 2 ED + Legs
Gold National Marketing Director400/1501,80,000 (30%)6,37,5002 RMD + Legs and 3 ED + Legs
Platinum National Marketing Director400/1502,40,000 (30%)12,75,0002 NMD + Legs and 3 ED + Legs
International Marketing Director400/1503,00,000 (20%)30,00,0002 Silver NMD + Legs and 3 ED + Legs
Silver International Marketing Director400/1506,00,000 (20%)60,00,0002 Gold NMD + Legs and 3 ED + Legs
Gold International Marketing Director400/15012,00,000 (20%)1,20,000,002 Plat NMD + Legs and 3 ED + Legs

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Neora Compensation Plan 

According to Neora’s compensation plan, incomes are divided into 5 main heads: Fast Start Bonus, Product Rewards, Sales Earnings, Team Building Rewards and Leadership Rewards. 

Important terms used in the following incomes are:

  • PC – Preferred Customer, customer personally enrolled by an Affiliate who enables auto-delivery order.
  • CV – It is Commissionable Volume i.e. the value associated with the product to determine commission. 
  • QV – It stands for Qualifying Volume i.e. the QV value assigned to every product. 
  • GQV – It stands for total QV of placement tree downline of BP.

Let us understand all five in detail along with their subparts. 

Fast Start Bonus

The BP needs to reach the rank of Elite Brand Partner, in the very first month after registration to become eligible for the Fast Start Bonus. 

It is a one-time bonus of $200 paid to BP. 

Product Rewards

This category is further divided into two parts: Qualify for 3UR Free and Neora Gives Back.

1. Qualify for 3UR Free

When BP has an active auto-delivery order of 80 QV and 3 preferred customers with active auto-delivery orders (total 210 QV), then BP gets eligible for the 3UR Free Product.

The free product’s qualification is decided by adding the purchase of all three customers and then dividing the sum by 3. The generated amount is added as credit in the BP’s account in the next month. 

2. Neora Gives Back 

For every newly enrolled customer, Noera provides the Affiliates with credit points. These points can be collected in the Neora account and can be redeemed for personal or customer purchases. However, these credits vanish after 180 days of earning them. 

Sales Earnings

It is further divided into 5 parts: Retail Sales, Personal Sales Commission, PC First Order Bonus, Personal PC Bonus and Team PC Bonus.

1. Retail Sales

Neroafit Products are available to the BP at a discounted price and can be sold further at the retail price. The difference between the discounted price and retail price is earned as Retail Sales Profit.

2. Personal Sales Commission

Apart from the retail sales, the Personal Sales Commission is paid to the Affiliates when their personal customers or their customers make purchases. 

Monthly Personal Sales Commission is earned as follows: 

Personal Sales Commission % of the total price 
$350 – $18495%
$1850 – $364910%
$3650 and above15%
3. PC First Order Bonus 

When every personally enrolled Preferred Customer purchases products for the first time, the upline Affiliate earns 20% of the total product purchase value as the PC First Order Bonus. 

4. Personal PC Bonus 

When affiliates successfully maintain the required personally enrolled PCs, they become eligible to receive a Personal PC Bonus (PPC) as follows:

Personally enrolled PC’sPC’s PQVPersonal PC Bonus 

Bonus received by Affiliates having 9 personally enrolled PC’s is also known as PPC Plus Bonus. 

5. Team PC Bonus 

Four levels of bonuses are paid to the affiliates for building their downlines and when they fulfill the requirements as follows: 

Team Bonus LevelPersonal Qualification (Times)Personal Team Qualification Team Bonus 
Level 1PPC Bonus (6)3 BPs qualified for 3UR$250
Level 2PPC Plus Bonus (9)3 BPs being PPC Bonus earners$650
Level 3PPC Plus Bonus (9)3 BPs earning Level 1 Team Bonus $1250
Level 4PPC Plus Bonus (9)3 BPs earning Level 3 Team Bonus$2500

Team Building Rewards

These rewards are further divided into 7 parts: BP First Order Bonus, Director Bonus, Power 5 Bonus, Team Commissions, Momentum Bonus, Lifestyle Bonus and Luxury Car Bonus.

1. BP First Order Bonus 

For every purchase greater than 500 QV made by the newly enrolled BP, the Upline earns a percentage reward. If the enroller holds National Marketing Director Rank or higher, then he alone receives 30% of the total purchase made. 

Otherwise, the enroller receives 20% and the upline receives 10% of the total purchase made. 

2. Director Bonus 

If a BP advance to Director rank within the first 2 months, he receives $250 and if does the same in the three months, he receives $100 as reward. 

3. Power 5 Bonus 

As and when the Affiliate brings a set of 5 BP to the company, he gets eligible to receive a Power 5 Bonus. All the five BPs must not be brought at the same time but must be within the period of 12 months. 

5% of the total price of packs purchased by all the 5 BPs rewarded as Power 5 Bonus. 

4. Team Commissions

Team Commissions are paid for up to 8 levels in the Placement Tree on higher ranks.

LevelElite Brand PartnerPremier Brand PartnerDirectorElite DirectorTeam DirectorPremier DirectorArea Marketing DirectorNational Marketing Director Silver  National Marketing DirectorGold  National Marketing Director
5. Momentum Bonus

Momentum Bonus is the additional Team Bonus paid at 3% of the total CV along with the Team Bonus for ranks between Elite Brand Partner to Silver National Marketing Director.

For instance, if your Team Bonus is 7%, you will get 7 + 3 = 10%.

6. Lifestyle Bonus 

On achieving higher ranks, the Lifestyle Bonus is earned along with the commissions and rewards as follows: 

Ranks Lifestyle Bonus 
Premier Director$200
Area Marketing Director$300
Regional Marketing Director $500
National Marketing Director$1500
Silver National Marketing Director$3400
Gold National Marketing Director$8500
Platinum National Marketing Director$18500
International Marketing Director $37000
Silver International Marketing Director $75000
Gold International Marketing Director $1,25,000
7. Luxury Car Bonus 

When one reaches Elite Director rank with 15000+ GQV, he holds the chance to receive the Car Bonus with an option to get cash for the same. 

By default, cash is provided to the Affiliates until they opt for Car Bonus and purchase or lease a luxury car. 

The Bonus amounts are as follows:

RanksCar BonusCash Option
Elite Director$600$450
Premier Director$600$450
Area Marketing Director$600$450
Regional Marketing Director $600$450
National Marketing Director$900$600
Silver National Marketing Director$900$600
Gold National Marketing Director$900$600
Platinum National Marketing Director$1200$800
International Marketing Director $1200$800

Leadership Rewards

These rewards are further divided into 3 parts: Check Match Bonus, Infinity Bonus and NMD Generation Bonus.

1. Check Match Bonus 

Check Match Bonus is for Elite or higher ranked BP. This bonus offers a certain percentage on Team Commission of Team Director or higher ranked BP in the downline.

The percentage is decided on your rank and downline level.

LevelElite DirectorTeam DirectorPremier DirectorArea Marketing DirectorNational Marketing Director Silver National Marketing DirectorGold National Marketing DirectorPlatinum National Marketing DirectorInternational Marketing DirectorISilver International Marketing DirectorGold International Marketing Director

This bonus has capping as per ranks, shown in the last row.

2. Infinity Bonus

Infinity Bonus is earned as an extra percentage of the total volume of downline (max 60% from one leg).

Ranks% of the total volume
Silver National Marketing Director 0.5%
Gold National Marketing Director0.75%
Platinum National Marketing Director and Higher1%
3. NMD Generation Bonus 

When affiliates achieve the rank of Platinum Marketing Director, they become eligible to earn an extra NMD Generation Bonus on the total CV of the organization. 

LevelsPlatinum National Marketing Director International Marketing Director SIlver International Marketing Director + 

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To Be Concluded

Here we end with Neora’s compensation plan. Other than the profile, products and plan, there are lots of things to know about Neora. Is it a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme? Let us know.

One must know the below facts before becoming part of it.

From Nerium to Neora

Neora was started in 2011 as Nerium International as its products focus on a particular formulation Nerium Oleandrin Extract.

Nerium Biotechnology and its subsidiary Neora Skincare are responsible for the research and development of Nerium extract products.

Nerium Skincare’s 70% stake is owned by Jeff Olson’s (Nerium International Co-founder) company Jo Products and 30% stake is owned by Nerium International company.

Nerium Skincare manufactures and Nerium International markets the same products. Both have contracts to promote the product range as Nerium Skincare.

Everything was fine until early 2014, with Nerium International being a new product range called Optimera Line. Without Nerium Skincare’s consent, the Optimera range was promoted in Canada differently from nerium extract products.

Later in 2014, Nerium International promoted Optimera products to Mexico and the USA.

Meanwhile Nerium International launch another range named EHT and Nerium Skincare was getting just 20% on the sales.

Nerium Skincare alleged Nerium International for decreased Nerium products sales, breach of contract and Jeff Olson primarily blamed for informalities.

After various court facing, June 27, 2018, was the day of settlement against Nerium International.

Nerium Biotechnology’s press release says, Nerium International paid $10 Million to buy Nerium Skincare and solve disputes.

January 2019 Nerium International rebrands itself as Neora. Neora clarifies that, they not only focus on nerium-based products as 2011. They have a wide range of products to expand internationally, so that particular name does not apply.

But controversy with Nerium Biotechnology is also a prime reason to consider.

Neora Vs FTC

On November 1, 2019, FTC sued Neora for operating a pyramid scheme and misleading earning & product claims.

Neora also fills a lawsuit against FTC on the same day and was not satisfied with the activities carried out by FTC.

FTC finds that Neora’s compensation plan is recruitment-driven and not on retail sales.

FTC reveals, Neora promises to offer six-figure income and financial freedom, while less than 1% of active affiliates earn $530 monthly.

Neora’s lawsuit against FTC was dismissed on August 31, 2020. While FTC filed lawsuit scheduled for the next hearing on October 11, 2022.

Should I join Neora?

If Agency like FTC is challenging the legality of Neora, then becoming a partner of Neora is a serious call to take.

Like most MLM companies Neora also has expensive products. At the same time, MLM has a very bad reputation so it becomes challenging to be part of such a company and promote it requiring essential MLM skills to be learnt.

Neora’s compensation plan shows that it is recruitment-driven and emphasizes BP to enable product autoship. Its representative often makes misleading claims about products and the opportunity.

Neora’s 2020, income disclosure statement says their active US BP makes $1054 annually. But only less than 1% of affiliates actually earn commissions from Neora after excluding all the fees and products costs paid to the company.

All these facts combinedly denote there is very less chance to get success in MLM through Neora. An individual has to promote expensive products and recruit people to a controversial company that has already faced several allegations in the courtroom.

We hope this post is enough to help you to make a decision.

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