SendOutCards Honest Review: Greeting Cards MLM Scam?

sendoutcards review

This post is an unbiased review of direct selling company SendOutCards, which markets and sells greeting cards via its affiliates.

SendOutCards claims to create a moment and reach out to kindness in the world by sending their greeting cards every day.

FounderKody Bateman
When Started2005
Head Office Salt Lake City, Utah, US
Opportunity TypeMLM
ProductsGreeting cards
Joining Cost$99

What is SendOutCards?

In 2005, Kody Bateman founded the MLM company SendOutCards which is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.


The company claims that SendOutCards is one of the multiple streams of relationship development products and services.

 In 2020, SendOutCards annual sales were estimated at $46 million.

Similarweb stats show that most of the traffic to is from the United States (93.03%), Philippines (2.52%) and Canada (1.68%).

SendOutCards also launched a new venture in 2021, named Greener Still. It also has similar products and operates an affiliate program.


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SendOutCards Joining Process

One can join SendOutCards by becoming a retail customer or an affiliate.

To become an affiliate, individuals have to pay an initial fee of $99 and a further renewal fee of $79 yearly.

Affiliates can sell cards to customers and also recruit new affiliates in their downline to earn commissions.

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SendOutCards Products

SendOutCards markets all featured cards like thank you, love, celebration, birthday, holiday, and one can also search, build and design their own card on the SendOutCards catalog page.


SendOutCards claims that by using our services people can send a gift card to anyone in the country with just a single click.

The average price of a single card is $2.55 which is obviously too expensive. One can find cheaper options easily.

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SendOutCards Affiliate Ranks

There are different ranks given for SendOutCards affiliates based on their performances.

  • Coded Upline: Every affiliate receives a coding as (Manager, Sr. Manager, Executive, Sr. Executive & Eagle). When an affiliate enrolls a new affiliate then they play a role of coded upline for their direct downline (sponsored affiliate) by inheriting coding to them.
  • PCV (Personal & Customer Volume): PCV is calculated as total sales and purchases made by the affiliate and their direct customers.
  • GV (Group Volume): GV is calculated based on the total sales volume made by an affiliate’s entire organization (direct customers, downline affiliate and coded upline) till 7 levels.

Group Qualified: Group Qualified criteria are required to fulfill, to earn 20% customers and 7 levels downline commission. To be group qualified an affiliate must accumulate at least 97 PCV from their own purchase.

Rank Qualified: Affiliate must fulfill PCV & GV requirements to qualify for each rank. Commissions are based on the affiliate’s highest rank. To earn Customer Acquisition Bonuses and Downline Infinity Commission, one has to be rank qualified.

RanksGroup QualifiedRank Qualified
Affiliate97 PCVN/A
Manager97 PCV97 PCV,
970 GV
Senior Manager97 PCV485 PCV,
4,850 GV
Executive97 PCV485 PCV,
15,000 GV
Senior Executive97 PCV485 PCV,
75,000 GV
Eagle97 PCV485 PCV,
150,000 GV

For Instance, if an affiliate has a group qualified and accumulates 485 PCV & 4,850 GV in a week, then affiliate titled as on Senior Manager.

To remain on achieved rank, affiliates have to maintain specified weekly PCV and GV.

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SendOutCards Compensation Plan

The following incomes in the SendOutCards compensation plan are:

  1. Fast Start Bonus
  2. Customer Commission
  3. Product & Customer Acquisition Bonus
  4. Personal & 7 Level Downline Commission (Residual Income)
  5. Downline Infinity Commission

1. Fast Start Bonus

Affiliates need to obtain 97 PCV and 485 GV in the very first month after registration to become eligible for the Fast Start Bonus.

It is a one-time bonus of $100 paid to the Affiliate. 

2. Customer Commission

Retail Sales made to customers provides 20% commission, but affiliate must have 97 PCV to be eligible for this income.

3. Product & Customer Acquisition Bonus

This is a one-time weekly paid bonus & this bonus is for coded upline affiliates.

Affiliates receive this income based on their rank and product being sold to customers and downline.


4. Personal & 7 Level Downline Commission

This income is based on commissionable volume (CV), CV is generated on the purchase of cards or subscriptions.

Postcard$0.58 to $0.91$0.40
Cards$1.75 to $2.75$1.20
Photo Drop Cards$1.00$0.80
$17 subscription$17.00$10.71
$37 subscription$37.00$23.00
$97 subscription$97.00$62.00
System Send Package Cards$1.31$0.70

This commission is offered on up to 7 levels deep downline. A fixed percentage on different downline levels is rewarded based on the CV earned.

The below table shows the percentage paid out on a specific level.

LevelsCommission %
Level 12%
Level 22%
Level 32%
Level 42%
Level 52%
Level 62%
Level 75%

5. Downline Infinity Commission

This weekly income is paid to infinite downline levels and based on the commissionable volume (CV). Affiliates must have 97 PCV at their highest achieved rank to be eligible for it.

Downline Infinity Commission percentage is calculated on the coding which is given to the affiliate by their organization.

When any new affiliate joins, they receive a coding based on their sponsor’s highest achieved rank (Sr. Manager). The first way of receiving coding is by inheriting the sponsor’s qualified rank (Manager & Sr. Manager) and then further receiving the sponsor’s upline coding (Executive, Sr. Executive & Eagle) based on their own performance.

For Instance, if the new affiliates sponsor is on sr. manager than new affiliate will be coded as Manager or Sr. Manager. The new affiliate will receive the sponsor’s upline coding (Executive, Sr. Executive, and Eagle).

The given below table shows the percentage of commission given on specific ranks.

Senior Manager10%
Senior Executive20%

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To Be Concluded

Now it’s time to share some Even Insight.

SendOutCards is operating since 2003 and remained a popular MLM company using greeting cards as products. Their products make SendOutCards stand out from most MLM companies and have a decent market in the USA, Canada & Australia.

SendsOutCards greeting cards are impressive in design, but the price is not reasonable and hence requires essential MLM skills to build a good team.

The world is evolving and things are not the same as in 2003.

If you search “Greeting Cards” on amazon, you will find thousands of designs at affordable prices. It’s difficult for SendsOutCard affiliates to build a customer base and downlines.

Unlike wellness products MLM, where individuals can spend $100 monthly, that’s not the case with greeting cards. No one will spend more than a few bucks on greeting cards every month until you have to keep connections with thousands of people.

Competitive pricing, retail-eCommerce competition and demands are huge challenges with products SendOutCards have.

Different web metrics indicate that SendOutCards website traffic declined in recent times.

Is SendOutCards a Scam?

No, SendOutCards is not a scam. It is a product-based direct selling company and not a money circulation scheme like ponzi or pyramid scheme.

Although MLM has a bad reputation and challenges with SendOutCards products are factors to consider resulting in a low MLM success rate for this company.

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